I’m currently reading “Eloquent Javascript - 4th Edition”… probably not what you had in mind either, so I’ll move swiftly on to the audiobook I just got 😃
It’s my turn again to get a free audible trial, which comes around every year or so, I think the last time I actually paid for an audiobook was back in 2013. I wasn’t sure what to get with my credit, so am giving Stephen Fry’s readings of P.G. Wodehouse - Volume 1 - The Jeeves Collection a go. It seems good so far, and I’ve never seen the Fry & Laurie adaptation of the same, so it’s all new to me.
As an added bonus, the audiobook is 40h long, so I’ll probably still be listening to it when I fly to the US at the end of the month, but I do also have the 70 hour collection of Sherlock Holmes on audiobook as well just in case 😅